PC-Developer-Tools Role


This README document is for the pc-developer-tools role within the cymais repository. The role is designed to streamline the setup of essential development tools on personal computers, particularly for software development environments.

Role Contents

The main.yml file under the pc-developer-tools role includes tasks focused on the installation of key development tools:

  1. Install Base Developer Tools:

    • This task uses the community.general.pacman module to install:

      • code: Visual Studio Code (VS Code), a powerful and popular open-source code editor that is highly customizable and supports a wide range of programming languages.


This role relies on:

  • pc-administrator-tools: Ensures that core administrative tools are installed, which can be essential for various development tasks.

Purpose and Usage

The pc-developer-tools role is tailored for developers who need a quick and efficient setup of a development environment on their personal computer. It is particularly useful for programmers, software engineers, and anyone involved in software development who prefers a streamlined and efficient workflow.


  • Ansible: Required to run this role.

  • Arch Linux-based System: The role is designed with the pacman package manager in mind, thus it is best suited for Arch Linux or similar distributions.

Running the Role

To utilize this role:

  1. Clone the cymais repository.

  2. Navigate to the roles/pc-developer-tools directory.

  3. Run the role using Ansible, making sure you have the necessary privileges for package installation.


Users can customize this role by adding more development tools or editors according to their specific needs in the main.yml file.

Support and Contributions

For support, feedback, or contributions (such as adding more developer tools or enhancing the existing setup), please open an issue or submit a pull request in the cymais repository. Contributions that improve the development environment setup are highly welcomed.