PC-LibreOffice Role


This README is for the pc-libreoffice role, part of the cymais repository. This role focuses on installing LibreOffice, a powerful and free office suite, along with necessary fonts and language packages.

Role Contents

The main.yml file under the pc-libreoffice role includes tasks for installing LibreOffice and its components:

  1. Install LibreOffice:

    • Uses the community.general.pacman module to install:

      • ttf-liberation: A font package that includes Liberation fonts, often used in LibreOffice documents.

      • libreoffice-still: The stable version of the LibreOffice suite.

  2. Install LibreOffice Language Packages:

    • Installs various language packs for LibreOffice, allowing for multi-language support. The languages to be installed are determined by the {{libreoffice_languages}} variable.


This role depends on:

  • hunspell: Ensures that Hunspell, a spell checker used by LibreOffice for many languages, is installed.

Purpose and Usage

The pc-libreoffice role is ideal for users who need a comprehensive, free office suite for personal or professional use. It’s particularly useful for setting up a new system or ensuring that all necessary office software is present and properly configured.


  • Ansible: Must be installed to use this role.

  • Arch Linux-based System: The role uses the pacman package manager, making it suitable for Arch Linux or similar distributions.

Running the Role

To use this role:

  1. Clone the cymais repository.

  2. Navigate to the roles/pc-libreoffice directory.

  3. Define the libreoffice_languages variable with the desired language codes.

  4. Run the role using Ansible, ensuring you have the necessary permissions for software installation.


You can customize this role by adjusting the libreoffice_languages variable to include the language packs you need, or by adding additional LibreOffice-related packages as required.

Support and Contributions

For support, feedback, or contributions, such as adding more functionality or enhancing the existing setup, please open an issue or submit a pull request in the cymais repository. Contributions that improve the LibreOffice setup and user experience are highly welcomed.